您好,我盼望参加儿子今年5月在德雷赛尔大学举行的博士毕业典礼.但我去年赴美探亲(9月签证到期),因事7月申请I-539延期了3个月,我已于去年底回国,但至今回执是Case Was Received,查询Vermont处理中心,现在才审批到2017年4月底。请问,没有收到批复,5月赴美时10年签证还有效吗?谢谢
I(retired in 2016)have green card which will expire in this July 30th, and I've never back to US since April 2014. I'm touring to US with my wife who has never been to US before. Weather I need to use my green card or to apply a new VISA to
2018-4-12 17:25:15hxj
2018-4-12 16:43:26清
2018-4-12 16:24:18佳0613
美国旅游签证B2 在职证明中公司暂时没有座机和传真,可以吗
2018-4-12 16:19:17Great
I have green card which will expire in this July 30th, and I've never back to US since April 2014. I'm touring to US with my wife who has never been to US before. Weather I need to use my green card or to apply a new VISA to go with my wife?